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Jun 24, 2015

Peter Burns, Editor of Urban Affairs Review, invites Joel Rast and Katherine B. Hankins to reflect on the Urban Colloquy of Vol. 51, Issue 1...

Jun 24, 2015

Peter Burns, Editor of Urban Affairs Review, invites Clarence N. Stone, Michael Jones-Correa and Diane Wong to reflect on the Urban Colloquy of Vol. 51, Issue 1 (January 2015).


Jun 4, 2015

Chad Kunsman, Editorial Assistant at Armed Forces & Society, interviews Dr. Morten Brænder about his forthcoming article "Adrenalin JunkiesWhy Soldiers Return from War Wanting...

Jun 1, 2015

Armando Alvarez, Outreach Coordinator for Latin American Perspectives, interviews issue editor Roberta Villalón about the May 2015 issue titled "The Resurgence of Collective Memory, Truth, and Justice Mobilizations in Latin America."